Mar 31, 2009

Sleeping the whole morning.
Added a mere 31 phrases to my Castellano speech.
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1427 (97%)
Memory 1204 (71%)
Attention 1267 (92%)
Flexibility 1392 (95%)
Problem Solving 1049 (57%)

Overall 1267 (82%)

Really need to work on Problem Solving or it'll keep driving Overall down.
172 seconds
697 wpm
lost $3
67 wpm
75 wpm

Mar 30, 2009

5.77 h
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1427 (97%)
Memory 1186 (71%)
Attention 1257 (92%)
Flexibility 1399 (95%)
Problem Solving 1078 (62%)

Overall 1269 (83%)

97th percentile on Speed!!!
And I don't even think that's my strongest point.
66 wpm

Mar 29, 2009

6.96 h
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1418 (95%)
Memory 1157 (71%)
Attention 1247 (93%)
Flexibility 1359 (92%)
Problem Solving 1064 (60%)

Overall 1249 (82%)
According to Mavis Beacon:

My average typing accuracy - 98%
Keys I know well - 4
Keys I adequately know - 28
Keys I need to practice - 57

It seems I have long ways to go.
73 wpm

Mar 28, 2009

7.28 h
Started SRS today.

Mar 27, 2009

5.13 h
477 cal
Added a mere 20 phrases to my Castellano speech

Mar 26, 2009

68 wpm
128 seconds
677 wpm

Mar 25, 2009

6.15 h

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1354 (82%)
Memory 1171 (71%)
Attention 1218 (94%)
Flexibility 1370 (94%)
Problem Solving 930 (45%)

Overall 1208 (77%)
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1298 (72%)
Memory 1157 (71%)
Attention 1208 (94%)
Flexibility 1370 (94%)
Problem Solving 940 (46%)

Overall 1194 (75%)

Problem Solving scores are dragging everything down. This is specifically due to my slow arithmetic calculation. While arithmetic isn't hard at all, I fail at it when time constrains are applied. Need to work at it. I'm actually very high at Logic solving which is also a part of Problem Solving area.

Mar 24, 2009

75 wpm
136 seconds

636 wpm
Played a little bit more and this is what I've got:

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1298 (72%)
Memory 1157 (71%)
Attention 1189 (94%)
Flexibility 1348 (93%)
Problem Solving 923 (45%)

Overall 1183 (75%)

Speed decreased 3 points.
Memory decreased 1 point.
Problem Solving decreased 8 points.
But huge increase in Flexibility!!! Now at 93rd percentile and
Attention at 94th percentile! Scary!
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1301 (72%)
Memory 1158 (70%)
Attention 1189 (94%)
Flexibility 1275 (80%)
Problem Solving 931 (46%)

Overall 1170 (72%)

Flexibility decrease a bit.

New personal best in four games except in a problem solving one.
My arithmetic needs work.
Attention is now on 94th percentile!!! scary.
Added a mere 19 phrases to my Castellano speech.

Recurring new words: le,Puede,cosa,hay, y se.

Mar 23, 2009

460 calories
4+ miles in 1 hour
lost $3
70 wpm
119 seconds
5.70 h
698 wpm

Mar 22, 2009

6.83 h
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1290 (69%)
Memory 1147 (69%)
Attention 1174 (86%)
Flexibility 1281 (80%)
Problem Solving 829 (44%)

Overall 1144 (69%)

Problem solving decreased 7 points!
Flexibility decreased 1 point!
While I have increased overall my overall percentile actually went 1%.
What this mean is that I haven't decreased my overall performance, I actually did, instead it means that about 1% have surpassed me in their performance improvement.
73 wpm
127 seconds
heh ...
714 wpm

Mar 21, 2009

7.36 h
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1284 (71%)
Memory 1113 (67%)
Attention 1162 (84%)
Flexibility 1282 (80%)
Problem Solving 836 (49%)

Overall 1135 (70%)
73 wpm
101 seconds
close to 100 :D
661 wpm

Mar 20, 2009

5.18 h
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1245 (65%)
Memory 1084 (65%)
Attention 1086 (77%)
Flexibility 833 (68%)
Problem Solving 837 (49%)

Overall 1017 (64%)
77 wpm

Mar 19, 2009

115 seconds
780 wpm
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1245 (65%)
Memory 868 (50%)
Attention 1040 (73%)
Flexibility 683 (52%)
Problem Solving 830 (48%)

Overall 933 (57%)
Oh, really!!!
Big improvement.

Mar 18, 2009

Speed 1213 (61%)
Memory 868 (50%)
Attention 884 (55%)
Flexibility 645 (48%)
Problem Solving 790 (44%)

Overall 880 (51%)
73 wpm
732 wpm
18 laps
1 hour
460 cal
5.23 h
Speed 1213 (61%)
Memory 789 (33%)
Attention 691 (31%)
Flexibility 645 (48%)
Problem Solving 555 (22%)

Overall 778 (39%)
Speed 1001
Memory 789
Attention 644
Flexibility 567
Problem Solving 526

Overall 705

Mar 17, 2009

73 wpm
won $20
lost 30$
¿Como estas amigo?
67 wpm
125 seconds
659 wpm

Mar 16, 2009

6.21 h
Speed 819
Memory 711
Attention 605
Flexibility 515
Problem Solving 441

Overall 618

Seems opposite than I expected
71 wpm
103 seconds
my fastest so far!
799 wpm

Mar 15, 2009

6.5 h
There is so much more English vocabulary to learn. Can they all be ever be learned?
After studying 73 vocabulary words, I've found I need to be familiarized with these 30.

The (!) means it is a surprise to me.
I am now averaging 70 +/- wpm.
This is an big improvement from last years 60 +/- average!
72 wpm.
117 seconds.
5 seconds short of my record!
743 wpm

Mar 14, 2009

7.16 h

Mar 13, 2009

5.10 h
67 wpm
139 seconds
855 wpm

Mar 12, 2009

73 wpm
125 seconds
719 wpm

Mar 11, 2009

72 wpm
154 seconds
698 wpm

Mar 10, 2009

Added 71 words to my Spanish vocabulary.
167 second
664 wpm

Mar 9, 2009

lost 3$
70 wpm
112 wpm
My fastest so far.
I ran today for the first time after a long time. I did very well, I think. I actually think I doing better. What did I do?
Added a mere 19 words to my Spanish vocabulary.
70 wpm
132 seconds
682 wpm

Mar 8, 2009

Added a mere 30 words to my Spanish vocabulary.
I forgot to mention, I enrolled at a Bally's Gym yesterday.
67 wpm.
137 seconds.
451 wpm
Must be because I'm tired?

Mar 7, 2009

lost $6
Added a mere 40 words to my Spanish vocabulary.
70 wpm
124 seconds.
737 wpm

What an improvement!

Mar 6, 2009

Added a mere 40 words to my Spanish vocabulary.
68 wpm
119 seconds.

My fastest so far.
503 wpm

Mar 5, 2009

It is my day off.

Mar 4, 2009

Why Evolution is True - Jerry A. Coyne
Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish
To day is supposed to be my day-off but I'm assigned to work today :(
entiendo, antes, sueño, encuentro, dibujo, hielo, el trueno, juego, gordo, oigo, hago, traigo, caigo, digo, quiro, frío, calor, falta, bailé, beso, odio, castigo, dudar, terminar, el cumpleaños, explicar, entregar, caja, perezoso, primo, botella, muchacho, descansar, alquilar, regresar, chistoso, conmigo, siempre, manejar, sol, conocer, el postre, rubio, moreno, jabón, toalla, cara, la ropa, la ropa interior, calcetines, pantalones, corbata, las medias, la falda, el vestido, el traje, lavar, iglesia, recuerdo, la escuela, zapateria, botica

Typing Spanish Characters on Keyboard

á - alt-160
é - alt-130
í - alt-a61
ó - alt-162
ú - alt-163
Á - alt-0193
É - alt-0201
Í - alt-0205
Ó - alt-0211
Ú - alt-0218
ñ - alt-164
Ñ - alt-165
¿ - alt-168
¡ - alt-173
Typing speed as of today: 69wpm
Discernment speed as of today: 135
587 wpm
No scratching today.

Mar 3, 2009

Added 100 words to my Spanish vocabulary.

Mar 2, 2009

Added a mere 29 words to my vocabulary.

camarero, corriendo, caminando, siguendo, cayendo, volando, fajaro, viejo, joven, pelo, corto, largo, sonriendo, que (than), ninguna, ambas, señalando, usando, cuadrado, sentado, parado, derecha, izquirda, lado, entre, nariz, tocando, barbilla, y boca
Of the hundreds of new words, this one I kept forgetting.

camarero/a - waiter, waitress
Reading speed as of today: 520 wpm
lost $3
Average speed as of today: 72 wpm
No scratching today.
We had a gathering today. I ate a lot more than I use to. I feel sick.
It's my father's 40th day of passing.

Mar 1, 2009

Lost $6. Gah!