Nov 30, 2009

76 wpm
80 wpm
78 wp
Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1550 (98%)
Attention 1420 (99%)
Flexibility 1612 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1522 (97%)

I can do more big jumps of improvement on Memory and Problem Solving.

Nov 29, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1550 (98%)
Attention 1403 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1518 (97%)

Nov 28, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1550 (98%)
Attention 1411 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1519 (97%)

Got a new record for 'Lost in Migration'. And I thought I could no longer beat my previous record.
Battle Royale 5/5
Defiance 3/5
106 lbs.

I appears I've lost 4 pounds since last December.

Nov 25, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1545 (98%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1517 (97%)

Definitely improving on memory.
six days scheduled for this week.
Gah! I don't like it.
71 wpm
78 wpm
67 wpm
73 wpm

Nov 22, 2009

11/21 7.92 h
11/22 7.11 h
11/23 7.16 h
11/24 6.90 h
11/25 8.15 h
11/26 4.00 h
11/28 7.46 h
11/29 6.63 h
11/30 7.28 h
12/01 7.75 h
12/02 8.06 h

Nov 21, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1536 (98%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1515 (97%

1699 - Response Inhibition
1665 - Spatial Orientation
1659 - Task Switching
1621 - Focus
1553 - Spatial Recall
1541 - Information Processing
1519 - Working Memory
1479 - Arithmetic
1468 - Verbal Fluency
1445 - Logical Reasoning
1357 - Quantitative Reasoning
1188 - Visual Field

Nov 20, 2009

74 wpm
67 wpm
70 wpm
Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1533 (98%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1515 (97%)

The Dark Ages (2007) 5/5

Good to know some new information about the Dark Ages. It appears I'm not at all educated about the Dark Ages as I am sure the information presented were all basic.

Nov 17, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile
Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1539 (98%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1516 (97%)


This name is a reminder of a cat.

Nov 16, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1517 (98%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1601 (98%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1510 (96%)

Nov 15, 2009

Aeon Flux 3/3

As I expected. I didn't find the movie that interesting.

Nov 14, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1527 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1513 (96%)
74 wpm
68 wpm
77 wpm
The Intelligence Squared Debate: Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry vs. The Catholics


I enjoyed the presentation and the poll was an excellent idea.

Nov 13, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1515 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1511 (96%)
The Fall 5/5
Lee Pace, Catinca Untaru


Nov 12, 2009

70 wpm
75 wpm
74 wpm
Work schedule has been stable for two months now.
Sat - Tue work
Wed - Fri days off
Rolling Stones
Life After People 5/5

From History channel. Very fascinating.
The End of America 2/5

I could fall sleep in the duration of the film.
Children of Huang Shi 5/5

I was moved by this film.
Also, I think Jonathan Rhys Meyers is beautiful. He has a character in the film that I could fall in love with.
Chaos Experiment 2/5
On the Other Hand, Death 2/5
Save Me 2/5
From Within 2/5

Didn't enjoy these films much.
Passengers 3/5
Walled In 3/5
Last House to the Left 3/5
Chocolate 5/5

I love this movie. The girl looks like my niece.
Also, I think Hiroshi Abe is hot.
76 wpm
70 wpm
77 wpm
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1498 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1508 (96%)

Big decrease in Memory.

Nov 11, 2009

The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
Anthem - Ayn Rand
73 wpm
71 wpm
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1524 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1513 (96%)
prosaic - adj.
1. 1. Consisting or characteristic of prose.
2. Matter-of-fact; straightforward.
2. Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull.

You can go through your whole life telling yourself that life is logical, life is prosaic, life is sane. — Stephen King

Nov 8, 2009

73 wpm
72 wpm
ludicrous - adj. Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity.

This word has recently confused me for some reason.

gerrymander - To divide (a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections.
n. 1. The act, process, or an instance of gerrymandering.
2. A district or configuration of districts differing widely in size or population because of gerrymandering.
etc. - and so forth
et al. - and others
11/07 - 7.61 h
11/08 - 6.98 h
11/09 - 7.35 h
11/10 - 7.33 h
11/14 - 7.65 h
11/15 - 6.98 h
11/16 - 7.25 h
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1599 (99%)
Memory 1502 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1508 (96%)

Nov 7, 2009

74 wpm
77 wpm
lagniappe - a small gift presented by a store owner to a customer with purchase.
-an extra or unexpected gift or benefit.

saccade - rapid intermittent eye movement.
- saccadic

intermittent - stopping and starting at intervals.
jeremiad - a literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom.

example of a jeremiad
"Ah foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes and see not; which have ears and hear not."
Counterknowledge - Damian Thompson
Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1599 (99%)
Memory 1500 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1507 (96%)

Nov 6, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1603 (99%)
Memory 1497 (96%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1507 (96%)
78 wpm

Nov 2, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1599 (99%)
Memory 1495 (97%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1506 (96%)

Nov 1, 2009

Function / BPI / Percentile

Speed 1599 (99%)
Memory 1487 (96%)
Attention 1404 (99%)
Flexibility 1608 (99%)
Problem Solving 1427 (90%)

Overall 1505 (96%)

Best Attributes: Response Inhibition, Task Switching, Spatial Orientation