De Lo Que Aconteció ... (2)
Un día el mancebo vino a su padre y le dijo que se daba cuenta de lo pobre que eran y como no le agradaría pasarse su vida en tal pobreza, ni tampoco marcharse fuera de su aldea para ganarse la vida, él preferiría casarse con una mujer rica. El padre estuvo de acuerdo. Entonces el mancebo propuso casarse con la hija de mal genio del hombre rico. Cuando su padre oyó esto se asombró mucho y le dijo que no; pues ninguna persona inteligente, por pobre que fuese, pensaría en tal cosa. "¡Nadie," le dijo, "se casará con ella!" Pero el mancebo se empeñó tanto que al fin su padre consitió en arreglar la boda.
Of What Happened ... (2)
One day the young man went to his father and told him that he realized how poor they were; and as he did not relish spending his life in such poverty, or leaving his village to earn a living, he would prefer to wed a wealthy woman. The father agreed. Then the young man proposed to marry the rich man's bad-tempered daughter. When his father heard this, he was much amazed and said no: for no person of intelligence, however poor he might be, would dream of such a thing. "No one," he told him, "will marry her!" But the youth was so insistent that at last his father agreed to arrange the weeding.