Dec 30, 2009

Vocabulary: Of Prostitutes

1. leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation.
2. leadership; predominance.
3. (esp. among smaller nations) aggression or expansionism by large nations in an effort to achieve world domination. The two political parties battled viciously for hegemony.
Mex: Why would several states battle for hegemony over a territory full of meretricious courtesans?
of or pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean.
Mex: The littoral area of that territory is a place for tourist to encounter meretricious prostitutes.
1. alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions; tawdry.
2. based on pretense, deception, or insincerity.
3. pertaining to or characteristic of a prostitute.
Mex: One could assume that escorts have a meretricious lifestyle.
Any confusing or troublesome situation, esp. one from which it is difficult to free oneself; entanglement.
Mex: Being seduced by a meretricious courtesan is an embarrassing morass.
1. to cause (a liquid) to pass through a porous body; filter.
2. (of a liquid) to filter through; permeate.
3. to brew (coffee) in a percolator.
Mex: Through media reports it percolated to the surface that the senator likes attractive call boys.
1. keenly distressing to the feelings: poignant regret.
2. keen or strong in mental appeal: a subject of poignant interest.
3. affecting or moving the emotions: a poignant scene.
4. pungent to the smell: poignant cooking odors.
Mex: The escort wears a poignant perfume to make himself memorable to clients.
- a wretched coward; craven.
- marked by utter cowardice.
Mex: I was poltroon to walk by the littoral area where escorts frequent the establishments.